The Return-to-Duty Process and the Clearhousing

 The Return-to-Duty Process and the Clearhousing

Employers or their designated consortia/third-party administrators and substance abuse professionals must now report select parts of the return-to-duty process in the Clearhousing within specific time frames. This reported information will update the river's view of their RTD status.

  1. SAP request sent (not yet completed): The employer provides the driver with a list of DOT qualified SAP's as required by section 40.287. The driver selects their SAP from this list or based on their own research.
  2. SAP Designated (not yet completed): The designated SAP initially evaluates the driver.
  3. Initial SAP Assessment (not yet completed): The SAP provides the employer with recommendations for education/treatment. 
  4. Determined eligible for RTD Testing. (not yet completed):After the driver completes the education/ treatment, the SAP re-evaluates the driver to determine compliance and establish a follow-up testing plan.
  5. RTD test with negative results. (not yet completed): The driv
    er must be sent for an RTD test by his or her current employer. 
  6. Follow-up Testing plan not yet completed):Any employer that employs this driver during the prescribed period must complete the follow-up testing plan as specified by the SAP. 
Information must be reported in the clearinghouse within required timeframes:

  • Employers must report the violation information by the close of the third business day following the date on which they obtained the information.
  • SAP's must report the date of completion of an initial SAP assessment and the date of determination of eligibility for RTD testing by the close of the business day following the assessment of determination.
NOTE: The steps of the RTD process must be completed in the order listed above to be properly recorded in the Clearhousing. Reporting this information within the mandated time frames is critical to ensuring that the driver's Clearhousing status is kept up-to-date.



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